I am now a research scientist at Khalifa University. My research interests include nanophotonics, solar energy conversion application, advanced materials including 2D material properties and its application, numerical optical simulations, and quantum physics simulation.
The combination of atomistic quantum physics simulation with macroscopic multiphysics simulation is my toolkit tool and allows the bottom-up
realization of material structures to deliver the desired device performances for different applications.
Prior to joining Khalifa University, I was a principal process integration engineer in the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC).
During that period, I got to link the material fabrication and material characterization to the computational physics.
Recent Highlights
Presentation @ NTUT 19
Invited talk @ KU Seminar 18
Invited talk @ ESG 17
Presentation @ SolarPACES 17
Recent News
15/07/20: One paper accepted by 2020 npj 2D Materials and Applications
25/06/20: One paper accepted by 2020 Soft Matter
15/04/20: One paper accepted by 2020 Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
10/30/19: Won the 2019 IEEE Nanotechnology Council’s NMDC Best Poster Award
08/25/19: One paper accepted by 2019 Carbon
08/06/19: One paper accepted by 2019 Optics Express
05/29/19: Two papers accepted by 2019 Journal of Physical Chemistry C
"Density Functional Theory Simulation in Material Science," Invited Talk, Summer Lecture, National Taipei University of Technology, July, 2019
"Use of Density Functional Theory in the Design and Fabrication of Materials," Invited Talk, PhD Seminar, Khalifa University, December, 2018
"In Depth Wettability Nano Scale Investigation: Interesting Carbonate Case Study in Society of Petroleum Engineers," Invited Talk, ESG monthly meeting, December 2017
B. Alfakes, J. E. Villegas, H. Apostoleris, R. S. Devarapalli, S. R. Tamalampudi, J.-Y. Lu, J. Viegas, I. Almansouri, and M. Chiesa,
"Optoelectronic Tunability of Hf Doped ZnO for Photovoltaic Applications,"
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 123, no. 24, pp. 15258-15266, May 2019
J.-Y. Lu, A. Raza, N. X. Fang, G. Chen, and T. J. Zhang,
"Optical Characterizations of Plasmonic Nanocomposites,"
The 8th Annual International Workshop on Advanced Materials, Feb. 21-23, 2016, Ras Al Khamiah, UAE
S. Noorulla, J.-Y. Lu, S. H. Nam, N. X. Fang, and T. J. Zhang,
"Plasmon-Enhanced Solar Absorbers,"
The 8th Annual International Workshop on Advanced Materials, Feb. 21-23, 2016, Ras Al Khamiah, UAE
J.-Y. Lu, and Y. H. Chang,
The 14th International Conference on Modulated Semiconductor structures (MSS-14), 2011, Florida, USA
J.-Y. Lu, H. Y. Chou, J. C. Wu, S. Y. Wei, and Y. H. Chang,
The 16th International Conference on Superlattices, Nanostructures and Nanodevices, 2010, Beijing, China
J.-Y. Lu and Y. H. Chang,
The 9th International Conference on Physics of Light-Matter Coupling in Nanostructures, 2009, Leece, Italy
2D Materials Studies
An ultra-clean interface between graphene and the III-V substrate is required to maintain lattice match for the growth of the single-crystalline of MOCVD deposition, which
enables the substrate to be still “observable” from the top thin film deposition. Here, we propose combining bimodal AFM, micro-Raman spectroscopy, and DFT AFM to locally
probe surface energy properties on the graphene-coated substrate. In addition to providing quantitative insight into the surface interactions of complicated graphene coatings, this
work demonstrates a new route to nondestructively monitor the interface between graphene and coated substrates. The related work has been published in "Nanoscale," which could be accessed here.
The following figure shows that the surface energy of graphene coated substrate produced through exfoliation of natural graphite flakes and chemical vapor deposition are different.
Surface Wettability Studies
A general quantum mechanical approach to predict the macroscopic wettability of any solid crystal surfaces for different liquids directly through atomic-level density functional simulation. As a benchmark, the wetting characteristics of calcite crystal (10.4) under different types of fluids (water, hexane, and mercury), including either contact angle or spreading coefficient, are predicted and further validated with experimental measurements. This approach has been extended to liquid/liquid/solid multiphase systems, several physics quantities, such as the macroscopic contact angles, the work of adhesion at the solid-liquid interface, and the interfacial tension at the liquid-liquid interfaces, can be simultaneously predicted through density functional theory simulation. This opens a new avenue to probe the mechanism of sophisticated wetting phenomena in multiphase systems with direct quantum mechanical simulation. to provides insightful and quantitative predictions of complicated surface wettability alteration problems and wetting behaviors of liquid/liquid/solid triphase systems. The related work has been published in "Journal of Physical Chemistry Letter," which could be accessed here.
The following figure shows that an atomic methodology to directly predict macroscopic contact angle of liquid droplet on crystal substrates.
Interfacial Solar Vapor Generators
For solar steam generation application, the solar absorber coating needs to be integrated into devices for maximizing their efficiency, the structure design can be utilized with Multiphysics solar/thermal simulations. In this work, we analyze the structural designs and evaluate how much environmental energy can be exploited to enhance the performance of an interfacial solar vapor generation device, under various light intensities. This realization has direct implications in various important processes, particularly for wastewater treatment. The related work has been published in "Joule," which could be accessed here.
The following figure shows that Measured and simulated temperature distributions of the vapor generator under three different light intensities.
Plasmonic Nanocomposite Solar Absorbers
Finite difference time domain optical simulation method can provide a guide to design the nanohole and nanocomposite structures, which is potentially an absorptive coating for the high-performance solar absorber. In combination with optical simulation results, a class of scalable ultrathin silver/SiO2 nanocomposite films with self-formed topping plasmonic nanoparticles is designed and fabricated. We experimentally and theoretically demonstrate that just by controlling the high throughput co-sputtering process, the nanocomposite absorbers can achieve near 100% light absorption in the wavelength ranges from 300 to 800 nm. The related work has been published in "Advanced Optical Materials," which could be accessed here.
The following figure shows that Nanocomposites, consisting of metallic nanoparticles embedding in a dielectric host, can significantly enhance light-matter interactions in solar energy conversion and optical applications.
Plasmon Enhanced Nanoporous Absorbers
Ultrathin semiconductor films have attracted much attention due to their strong interference persisting inside the lossy dielectric film on a reflective substrate. We proposed a plasmon-enhanced ultrathin film broadband absorber by combining the ultrathin film absorber with localized surface plasmon resonances. This concept can be realized by patterning nanoholes on an absorber comprised of an absorptive ultrathin Ge film and a reflective Au layer, where the localized surface plasmon mode is activated by metallic pore-shaped holes. The related work has been published in "Advanced Optical Materials," which could be accessed here. The proposed plasmonic broadband ultrathin film absorber can be applied in many applications, such as solar vapor generation,photovoltaics, and solar water splitting.
The following figure shows that a plasmon-enhanced ultrathin film broadband absorber is proposed by combining the ultrathin lossy film absorber with localized surface plasmon resonances, which are activated by pore-shape plasmon resonances.
Finite difference time domain method
In 1966, Kane Yee [1] proposed the finite difference time domain (FDTD) method, which is Maxwell’s curl equations based on the central finite difference method. In the 1990s, the FDTD method has become one of primary optical simulation methods owing to the implementation of the perfectly matched layer (PML) technique, which effectively truncate computational regions in the simulation domain. Nowadays, with advanced computational capabilities, the FDTD method has become a robust tool for the analysis and design of optical devices for various applications in daily routines at both academic and industrial levels. An excellent textbook of the FDTD method was written by Taflove et al [2] and can be used as a user manual.
Here, I provide a two-dimensional TE FDTD code employing the PML absorption boundary condiction and total/scattering fields for your reference. In this code, the interaction of EM waves with a core-shell nanocylinder can be visualized as a function fo time. The permittivities of shell and core are 4 and 1, respectively. The simulation domain consists of total field, scattered field, and perfectly matched layer (PML), as shown in the below figure. The Matlab code could be accessed here.
Kane Yee (1966). "Numerical solution of initial boundary value problems involving Maxwell's equations in isotropic media". IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 302–307.
Allen Taflove and Susan C. Hagness (2005). Computational Electrodynamics: The Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method, 3rd ed. Artech House Publishers. ISBN 978-1-58053-832-9.
Plasmonic Metal Nanoparticles
Over the last two decades, plasmon resonances in metallic nanoparticles have been the subject of intense research efforts.
Owing to having high efficiency at absorbing and scattering light,
applications related to plasmonic metal nanoparticles are impressively numerous,
ranging from sensing to solar vapor generating to biological cell imaging.
Here, I provide a 2D-TE FDTD code for calculations of extinction, scattering, and absorption efficiencies of a gold-shell dielectric-core nanocylinder, as shown in the below figure (a).
The Fortran code could be accessed here.
It would be nice to have a analytical solution to verify the simulation results of a 2D-FDTD codes. Therefore, I also provide a analytical code for calculating the extinction spectrum of a core-shell nanocylinder. The calculation results of a gold-shell dielectric-core nanocylinder, with an outer radius of 50 nm and an inner radius of 40 nm, are compared to those of FDTD simulations, as shown in the below figure (b).
The code can be accessed here.
Application of the spectral density function to composite materials
According to the Bergman spectral density theory, any effective medium model has an integral representation in terms of a spectral density function g(x) that
depends on the geometry of the composite meterial and is independent of the optical constants of individual component materials.
Therefore, conneting the spectral density function to the effective optical constant provides a great oppotunity to measure the contribution of individual and percolated particles
inside the nanocomposite.
update 12/04/2020
My beloved family
Thank you for all the supports during my postdoc career:
Prof. TieJun Zhang, Khalifa University
Prof. Daniel Choi, Khalifa University
Prof. Matteo Chiesa, Khalifa University
Prof. Ibraheem Almansouri, Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company
Prof. Nicholas Xuanlai Fang, MIT
Prof. Gang Chen, MIT
Prof. Thomas C.-K, Yang, National Taipei University of Technology
Prof. Weilin Yang, Jiangnan University
Dr. Aikifa Raza, Khalifa University
Dr. Hongxia Li, Khalifa University
Dr. Srinivasa Reddy Tamalampudi, Khalifa University
Dr. Nitul S Rajput, Khalifa University
Dr. Shih-Wen Chen, National Taipei University of Technology
Mr. Boulos Fakes, Khalifa University
Mr. Abdulrahman Al-Hagri, Khalifa University
Ms Chia-Yun Lai, Khalifa University
Ms Mariam Ali Almahri, Khalifa University
Mr. Harry Apostoleris, Khalifa University
Mr. Yu-Cheng Chiou, UiT
Mr. Cheng-Hsiang Chiu, UiT
Ms Shabnam Ranny, Aspen Heights School
Thank you for the supports during my PhD:
Prof. Yuan-Huei Chang, my PhD advisor
Prof. Chi-Te Liang, Nationa Taiwan University
Prof. Yang-Fang Chen, National Taiwan University
Prof. Kuo-PIn Chiu, CYCU
Prof. Chih-Ming Wang, NCU
Prof. Din-Pin Tsai, Academia Sinica
Prof. Wei Chih Liu, NTNU
Dr. Husan-Yi Chao, SCIENTEK
Dr. Hung-Ji Huang, Instrument Technology Research Center
Dr. Ryan Cheng, senior member at my lab
Thank you for the supports during my career at TSMC: